Components of the Twin Soul Journey

As your Honorary Fairy Godmother, I want to assure you that I graduated and received my Godmother magic wand, duly earned by my apprenticeship in Fairy Godmother Training School.

Did you know there are stages of preparation each twin soul needs to complete? Yep! While each journey is unique to each twin-set, there are steps or stairs we take to come together in the physical once again.

And just like in Cinderella, as your Godmother I am here to help you get ready to meet your completion partner, the Prince. But in order to do that, you will need the following things. Note that I have playfully set these pieces in Godmother fairytale-speak along with their translations!

Keys to activate your DNA and connect to your partner include:

  1. Your beautiful and unique ball gown
    • your wholeness in body, mind and emotions; balance and totality of your self
  2. Glass Slippers
    • your spiritual awareness anchored in clear groundedness
  3. Coach and Four
    • your energy and spiritual powers activated
  4. Coachmen and Footmen
    • your support team and multidimensional team-mates both here and ‘there’ who work and play with you along the way
  5. Road Map to get to the Prince
    • the ancient secrets of what we as women do to activate the DNA that allows you to anchor in the physical aspect of this amazing journey.

Yes, that means getting him into a real physical body too!

About Meeting Your Twin Soul

Meeting your Twin Soul is a unique and sacred experience even though it might take place just as you bend down to tie your shoelace. Let me tell you about my experience.

From the time I was a teen I had ongoing conversations with my invisible partner. As a girl in grade six, I wrote and produced a play which we performed for the whole school and our parents. It was called Valentine Castle and was the story of a young prince and princess lost to each other.

I played the Fairy Godmother and as all Godmothers do, it was my task to help the young princess and prince come together. I had an awesome heart shaped wand, of course, and I got to pick all my best friends to star in the play. Here’s a photo taken of us during our performance.

I grew up and life happened. Then one day it happened. My twin soul simply walked into my office. He was a hawk-beaked gentleman wearing a horribly tacky double knit suit, looking for all the world like a used-car salesman. We were meeting about an entirely different matter. But as we sat beside each other suddenly my heart swelled and I felt one word bubble into my mind. HOME. In his presence I felt simply and powerfully home.

From the instant we met we began to talk with each other in our minds…no verbal words were needed. And when we spoke in real, he validated our in-my-head conversations.

Yes, really! As a social scientist, the importance of validating one’s observations was sacred. Need I say that to have someone talking to me inside my head and being able to verify the exact words he used pushed me right up against the wall of my left brain that kept insisting it wasn’t really real! It WAS real. If that doesn’t fry the brain of a scientist, I don’t know what will!

The degree of openness I felt with him was a shocking but wonderful thing. I couldn’t hold back anything from him, nor did I feel I needed to. I was always telling him exactly what I felt and thought…no holding back or formulating things delicately. Actually, I couldn’t stop myself. If we disagreed we argued easily and there was no winner or loser. We just exchanged our ideas and gained more understanding of situations because of our sharing. The deep trust we had was learned over eons of lifetimes together.

But most of all our closeness was beyond romance, although that part was literally out of this world! I have shared many of those experiences in my book.

My twin soul was fond of saying we were two bodies that shared one heart.

Important Note: Once we are put together with our completion partner – our twin soul- it is like being crazy glued together. There is no going back. Even when we are not together, we are connected. Oh the stories I could share! (Some I have shared in my book, The Godmother Chronicles: Decoding the Butterfly Promise.)