The Butterfly Promise
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About The Book: Decoding the Butterfly Promise
Regain your sacred power
Much of what I talk about is the Divine Duet and our journey to reuniting with our Twin Souls or Completion Partners. An inescapable part of that journey is regaining your sacred power. Before you can be whole with your partner, you have to be whole within yourself. Until you do the self-work you will just keep repeating the same pattern with your partners. The Butterfly promise is about metamorphosing into the higher being you need to be to fulfill your Twin Soul journey.
Learn about the energy recovery process
Do you feel like your life is imbalanced and out of your control? Do you feel like you are playing out the same negative loops over and over? Follow in my footsteps as I guide you along the path Butterfly Woman has laid out for us. Become balanced, joyful and successful. Live with abundance as the creator of your own life. Recover your energy, reunite with the multi-dimensional layers of your True Self, and become whole.
What is the Butterfly Promise
My personal journey took me out of the safety of my everyday world into an amazing landscape where our true power lives. While I searched for a way to deliver my message to author Carlos Castaneda, I was pulled into the original love story of a couple who lived and loved beyond time itself. As I journeyed into this hidden place, I found out that their love story is the basis of our lives as human beings. It is also the basis for our fairy tales. Now for the challenging part: We are intertwined energetically with them, and it’s up to us as humans to separate them from our energy. When I had gathered enough I learned how we do that. That is the essence of the Butterfly Promise.
The Butterfly Promise is the pivotal key to awakening humans from our long slumber. And it’s much more than that. It also awakens the unusual couple who began this journey with us. This is the story of my journey; how I repeated the ancient couple’s experiences in my own life; and how I finally brought back with me the keys to how we return to our personal wholeness as well as liberate them.
Energy Recovery Articles
A simple trick to clear away the fear
Last month, I had an attack of FEAR. As a trained social scientist and metaphysician, I knew better. But I fell off my balance beam. So today I'm going to tell you what happened and then share a simple trick to help you keep from being attacked by the fear monster....
Big changes we can’t outrun are coming headlong at us
Enter the Paradigm Shift These changes we are experiencing right now are big. And they're not going to go away. Everything we have ever known is starting to work differently. We are experiencing an entire global paradigm shift. The change is as significant as moving...