This is a call to you to awaken and step into your power. You are needed now more than ever before to help heal the chaos, fear and challenges facing humanity. And yes, this is totally tied in with your completion partner.
Who knew 2020 would pick us up by the scruff of the neck and hurl us head over heels into a pandemic, a confrontation with systemic and personal racism, the visible outing of police brutality, and violent debate over “to mask or not to mask?” The year is only half over but I have a feeling there is going to be more coming front and center.
Butterfly woman suggests we look at this from the big picture and see if we can make some connections. For starters, remember that in 2012 global society chose not to destroy itself but instead to evolve upward into its next level of humanity. But try as we might, we were stuck.
Not long after, we sent a plea for assistance to our management team…the Invisibles (to us) who sit at earth’s head table, so to speak. Our message was, “we are suffocating and stuck in rules, our “bureau-crazies” (note, this is Butterflies word, not mine), and a competitive model of change. Please help us move forward.”
In short, society is stuck and suffocating and we can’t move forward. (Society is experiencing dramatic illustrations of suffocation in 2020 alone. First Mr. George Floyd’s dramatic murder. Second illustration is people who are severely infected with covid and put on respirators. Finally, even the everyday well person is experiencing difficulty breathing through the masks they wear in public. The metaphors are playing out everywhere…. we are suffocating in our old ways. We need help.
As a global consciousness we are crying out for help. Almost immediately our upper earth management team of invisibles answered with two wild cards designed to help us break out of our box. First came a president like none other who has torn apart the fabric of American institutions, government, and society itself while at the same time releasing long hidden fears festering like infected wounds in American culture.
Then 2020 hit and not only did we become a world under siege by a virus, but George Floyd’s death at the hands of a policeman in front of cameras sent people into the streets globally in protest. Things are polarized and raw.
Importance of Women Returning Balance to the World
Now comes the call to women to enter the stage and use our innate powers to help society heal and rebuild. Time for us to get to work.
We have heard powerful spiritual men from Nelson Mandela to the Pope point out that it is women who must take charge now.
What we are now witnessing up close and personal is a world severely out of balance. This imbalance was created by an imbalanced power elite over thousands of years who have pursued degrading strategies of dominance and power over anyone not one of them. But in this selective inbreeding their goal of economic control and gain has crippled the world. Stuck, stuck, stuck we are!
This is women’s collective wake up call. The job is on us to begin the healing and rebalancing.
Here are some role models to illustrate the power of compassionate action and confident wisdom that women are bringing forward.
- Jacinda Ardern surges in polls on Kiwi virus success. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her inspirational leadership in the handling of the COVID-19 virus in New Zealand.
- ‘Kind, calm and safe’: Catch phrases one key to B.C.’s success managing COVID-19. British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and her philosophy handling of the COVID-19 virus in BC creating a cultural phenomenon.
- Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith. Three generations of Black women tackle current social and cultural issues with an inter-generational perspective.
It is about women taking their power and then walking it on to Earth and beginning to create a balanced Society. As we bring feminine energy into decision-making we bring in the energy of wholeness, of nurturing, seeing the big picture, and compassionate action. And slowly as things come back into balance equality and reverence for all no matter what our characteristics or preferences will lift Society into a kinder and more humane way to live.
The other impact of women taking our power
As more and more women step up and add their voices to world problem solving, politics and running businesses we begin to restore balance between male and female powers across society.
As women do this something else happens. Our actions encourage men to do their own inner homework and raising their energy to a higher level.
Women and our actions now will heal both the physical virus as well as the imbalance that has been based on the dominant power hierarchy’s fear of losing their control in the world.
How we are changing the world
It is about women taking their power and then walking it on to Earth and beginning to create a balanced Society. As we bring feminine energy into decision making we bring in the energy of wholeness, of nurturing, of seeing the big picture, and of compassion. And slowly as things come back into balance equality and reverence for all no matter what are characteristics or preferences lift Society into a kinder and humane way to live.
What we are learning is that the real virus is the virus of fear the dominant power group has used for eons to disempower and keep women and people of color or people different from them small.
Next Steps for Women to Move Forward and Claim Our Power
- Show up and be willing to lead
- Face your fears
- Gather and balance your power
- Heal and realign with your inner feminine power
- Gather your positive inner masculine energies
- Walk your balanced power into the world with clarity and purpose
- Act from compassionate action.
Support is Available
If you are feeling overwhelmed by recent events and need some support, I am so happy to share with you these helpful steps and processes offered by my friend and colleague Liesel Teversham of Liesel offers links to articles like EFT, tapping, better sleep, and help with anxiety.
Call to Action
It is time to come out of hiding and take the reins in your area of expertise. You came here for this. You can do it.
Butterfly woman and I are also offering courses in managing change and gathering your energy and upgrading yourself to a higher energy. We also have several articles from our blog which help you deal with change in your own lives.
Blessings and strength to you,
Gail and Butterfly Woman